Master Year 12 AS-Level Mathematics
From World Class Mathematicians. Amrit Shinh (2 Masters in mathematics), Alexandros (PHD in Pure Maths), Nathan (Aerospace Engineer)

Year 12 AS-Level Maths Accelerator
January 20th 2025 to April 25th 2025 With Support Until June
Year 12: January 20th 2025 to April 25th 2025
Week 2: Transformations
Week 3: Graph Sketching & Modulus Functions
Week 4: Proof & Vectors
Week 5: Quadratics & Inequalities
Week 6: Circles
Week 7: Polynomials & Cubic Graph Sketching
Week 8: Logs
Week 9: Exponential Modelling & Linear Laws
Week 10: Introduction to Trig With Radian Measure, Trig Exact Rations & Intro To Equations
Week 11: Trigonometry & Trigonometric Equations & Identities
Week 12: Differentiation First Principles & Basics
Week 13: Differentiation Application
Week 14: Introduction to Integration
Week 15: Integration and application
Week 16: Pure Past Paper Walkthrough
There will be 2 live lessons and 1 exam class each for 16 weeks.
In every lesson we will go through the basics, all the way to the tough exam questions with progressive difficulty. Each lesson is taught interactively with live Q&A, polls and seeing students work with our online whiteboards. The weekly exam class summarises the content covered in the week with more tough exam questions. Whereas textbooks do not go any further revisions... These handouts are updated every year to continuously ensure that students are prepared for the exam.
In the last 4 weeks of the course we will conduct past paper walkthroughs. The 3 live lessons and exam class will turn into past paper classes during these last 4 weeks.
Live Lessons: Monday, Tuesday 6:45pm with Alex
Exam Class: Wednesday 6:45pm with Alex
Lessons are recorded and last 60-75 mins. Handouts are provided so students can make notes during the lesson.
Suitable for AQA, Edexcel, Edexcel International, WJEC, CCEA, OCR, OCR MEI
Weekly Homework & Monthly Assessments
Each week, students will be assigned exam questions for their homework. They are required to mark their work and then submit it via our homework submission links. Upon submission, parents will automatically receive a notification. The submitted work will be reviewed within the next few days to ensure it meets our A-Level Maths Mastery standards.
Each student has an individual spreadsheet logging their work, which parents can view at any time. Students are also encouraged to submit additional exam questions for independent revision, which will also be logged in their spreadsheet.
At the end of each month, students will take a 90-minute assessment covering all the material they have studied so far. They will submit their assessment through the submission link, and their marks will be tracked in their spreadsheet.
To help students immediately understand their performance, we provide written and video solutions. These resources allow students to see the perfect model solutions and understand what they got right and what needs improvement.
Get Live 1:1 Tutoring Until The End of the Academic Year
If your child needs assistance with any A-Level Maths topics, they are welcome to attend our drop-in help sessions.
They will have immediate 1:1 help from Alex (Bsc Mathematics UCL 1st Class Honours, MSc Mathematical Sciences University of Oxford Distinction, Completing his PHD at UCL)
These help sessions are held on:
- Monday 8pm
- Tuesday 4:30pm
- Wednesday 6pm
- Thursday 5pm
- Friday 5pm
- Saturday 10am
During each session, students can ask up to two full exam questions and are encouraged to attend as many sessions as they wish throughout the week until June 2025.
They can continue to benefit from these sessions up until their final A-Level Maths exam.
In between any office hours students can ask their personal mentor any questions they wish on maths. Our mentors are carefully selected and have achieved an A* in Maths & Further Maths A-Level first class degree or 2:1 in mathematics, engineering or physics. They'll be reviewing your assessments and giving feedback each month.
Your personal tutor has been specifically hired to get back to you as soon as possible. A priority has been set to be available during evenings in the week and in the day on weekends.
We've compiled challenging exam questions from every exam board, organised by topic. No other online resource offers this level of organization. This makes it extremely easy for your child to work through more exam questions at their own pace.
Students receive access to all of last year's AS-Level Maths lessons. This includes Pure, Stats & Mechanics. This allows them to learn topics ahead of time by watching the full course replays or to independently review and strengthen areas where they need improvement.
If you're in Year 12 and taking Maths and Further Maths, we recommend completing all of AS and A2 A-Level Maths during your first year with us. Here's our suggested plan:
- Year 12 AS Pure Maths: From January to April. As described above.
- Year 13 A2 Pure Maths: Start during the summer, running from June 16th to August 30th. Lessons will be held on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 11 AM UK time, during the summer holidays.
By finishing all of regular A-Level Maths first, you’ll find A-Level Further Maths easier. This is because a solid grasp of the Pure content from regular A-Level Maths will allow you to complete the Further Maths Pure Core 1 & 2 content more quickly. Many A2 topics in Further Maths Pure Core 2 depend on a strong understanding of A-Level Maths, so this foundation will be invaluable for your success.
This will be the schedule for Further Maths from September 2025.
Edexcel Further Maths Accelerator Course
PURE CORE 1 & 2 September 1st 2025 to December 19th 2025
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 5pm UK time Pure Core 1 & 2 with Amrit. (60-90 min lessons)
FURTHER STATISTICS 1 January 5th 2026 to May 29th 2026
Monday, Tuesday 630pm UK time Further Stats 1 with Alex. (60-90 min lessons)
FURTHER MECHANICS 1 January 5th 2026 to May 29th 2026
Wednesday, Thursday 630pm UK time Further Mechanics 1 with Alex. (60-90 min lessons)
FURTHER PURE 1 January 5th 2026 to May 29th 2026
Friday 5pm UK time Further Pure 1 with Amrit. (60-90 min lessons)
If you enroll in the Further Maths Accelerator course, you can attend office hours for help with Further Maths and message your personal tutor directly for assistance. The course includes weekly homework assignments and monthly assessments.
If you're studying an optional module that isn’t listed, such as Further Statistics 2, Further Mechanics 2, or Further Decision 1 or 2, you’re still welcome to attend office hours or reach out to your personal tutor for support.
Our Further Maths course is tailored for Edexcel but is highly beneficial for students studying AQA, OCR, and WJEC as well. Many of our current students from these exam boards are seeing significant improvements. There is substantial content overlap, and we’ve structured the course to ensure that students from different exam boards gain valuable insights. Additionally, students can receive personalized 1:1 help during office hours or through their personal mentor.
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LEGAL INFORMATION & DISCLAIMERS: alevelmathsmastery.com is an online education service owned by Capital Internet Ventures FZCO. We don’t believe in instant or guaranteed result programs. We believe in hard work, adding value, and serving others, and our programs are designed to help you do just that. As stated by law, we cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to achieve results with our ideas, information, programs, or strategies. We’re here to help by providing our best strategies to move you forward faster. However, nothing on this page, our websites, or emails is a promise or guarantee of future success. Any results showcased are projections or past results and should not be considered exact, actual, or guaranteed. If you have questions, email: martina@alevelmaths.com.